Fir Bank Primary School

Getting Involved


We welcome parents into school and there are many ways in which we can work together.


We hold regular assemblies where parents may see the children at work. Parents are always welcome at Friday morning assembly (9.10am).  Many parents or sometimes grandparents help regularly in school with reading, art, music or other activities. Others help occasional with transport, visits or even residential holidays. We appreciate any offers of help, whether you can spare an hour every now and then, or a regular time each week.


Parent Evenings are held twice a year in the Autumn and Spring terms to discuss your child’s progress. However parents may arrange to see a teacher or the head at any convenient time. A written report will be sent home towards the end of each summer term.


Friends of Fir Bank

The aim of the association is to enhance the funds available to Fir Bank School, Grasmere Road, Royton to encourage the community use of the School and raise funds for items within school and its grounds as well as to support the learning curriculum.

  • Encourage parent support and involvement with spending of funds.
  • Offering continuing support, encouragement and help to parents, and offer equal opportunities for all children of school age regardless of race, culture, religion or means.
  • Holding meetings every 6 – 8 weeks and publishing any pamphlets and papers relating to the aforesaid aim.
  • Encouraging children and their families to promote public/community awareness of such needs.
  • Co-operating with other charitable organisations and persons having similar aims anywhere in the world.
  • Co-operating with statutory and other services.
  • Promoting and furthering any other relevant charitable objects.