Fir Bank Primary School

Our Uniform

We expect that all children will wear school uniform.

Children will not be allowed to wear trainers except for outdoor P.E. lessons, or playtime.

Children with shoulder length hair must tie it back with a plain bobble – large decorative bows are not allowed.

Our School Uniform is provided by :  ‘My Clothing’

MyClothing Fir Bank Primary School

MyClothing Information Leaflet

Children in classes Nursery – Year 5

  • Black shoes
  • White or grey socks
  • Grey skirt, trousers or shorts
  • Yellow polo shirt
  • Green sweatshirt / jumper

Children in year 6

  • Black shoes
  • White or grey socks
  • Grey skirt or trousers / shorts
  • White shirt
  • Fir Bank School tie
  • Green sweatshirt / jumper

In summer green or yellow gingham dresses may be worn.

School uniform is available at a variety of outlets including Asda, Tesco and our school supplier, ‘My Clothing’ via the link below.

MyClothing Fir Bank Primary School

Unclaimed lost property is displayed outside the school termly. This is ‘free to a good home’.

On occasions second hand uniform is available from Bethesda Church for a small charge.


White T-shirt and green or black shorts/leotards
Socks and pumps for indoor activities
Warmer clothing e.g. dark coloured tracksuits (blue/black, unbranded) and trainers or football boots for outdoors

It is helpful if children can keep their P. E. kit in a drawstring bag. For safety reasons watches must be removed before P.E. lessons and
children with long hair must have it tied back.

Book bags, pump bags,  water bottles, ties (Purple Class, Year 6 only) and swimming  caps are available to buy direct from School via PARENTPAY


The wearing of jewellery (including earrings) and nail polish is not permitted.