Year 4Welcome to Orange Class! |
Welcome back!
Hello, and welcome to Orange Class.
We have a very busy year ahead, and the children have made a fantastic start.
The adults in Orange Class this year are:
Mrs Watts – Class Teacher
Mrs Mellor – HLTA
Mrs Bull – TA
Our PE lessons are on Mondays and Thursdays – please ensure children have PE kits in school at all times.
Homework will be given out on a Tuesday and due the following Monday– each week children will be given:
- Spellings which need to be practised on 5 separate occasions during the week. Either on paper or using Spelling Shed.
- Maths
- Reading – at least three times per week and recorded in reading record (if children are reading other books at home too, feel free to record this in reading record too) Reading records are checked daily giving your child the chance to move up our Reading Ninja wall. Please see your child's reading record book for book change day.
- Times tables – these are super important this year as all children are expected to have quick recall of all times tables to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4. The more they can practise at home the better. TT Rockstar Login will be placed in their reading record.
We are very lucky in Year 4 as we have Mrs Thomas from Oldham Music Service delivering weekly clarinet lessons to the whole class – a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn to play a musical instrument from a professional! These lessons will be held on Wednesdays.
Best Wishes,
Mrs Watts.
Teaching and Learning Letters
- Orange Class Teaching and Learning Letter - autumn 1
- Orange Class Teaching and Learning Letter - autumn 2
- Orange Class Teaching and Learning Letter - spring 1
- Orange Class Teaching and Learning Letter - spring 2
- Orange Class Teaching and Learning Letter - summer 1
- Orange Class Teaching and Learning Letter - summer 2